We are looking for volunteers

Become a volunteer at Kulturhavn and help create this year's festival!

Volunteer - a great way to meet new people and support the local cultural life!

If you want to be part of our fantastic festival and contribute to an unforgettable cultural experience for yourself and our guests, you now have the opportunity to become a volunteer.

We need zone hosts for:

- The Crea Zone 
- Stage zone
- Water zone
- Info booth
- Backstage

A shift takes 5 hours, either from 9:00 to 14:30 or from 14:00 to 19:00, either Saturday, Sunday or both days. It is not possible to work two shifts on the same day.

To find out more and sign up as a volunteer, simply follow this link: BECOME A VOLUNTEER. It will take you directly to the Kulturens Volunteer platform, where you can register and choose the tasks that best suit your interests and skills.

As a volunteer at Kulturhavn Festival, you get a unique opportunity to be part of a great team, meet new people and help create a vibrant and attentive festival. 

We value your time and effort as a volunteer, and as a thank you you will receive a Kulturhavn T-shirt, a food ticket to the festival site's kitchen "Send more spices" and a free ticket to Copenhagen Museum, Nikolaj Kunsthal or Thorvaldsens Museum. In addition, you'll be invited to a special canal boat trip for actors, Kulturhavn staff and other volunteers after the festival.

See you at Kulturhavn Festival!
